Continued work on "Solitary Vision" - nearing completion.

"Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to
conscience, above all liberties." John Milton (1608-1674)"Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself." Salman Rushdie (1947-)
"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."
Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1778)
I am very happy to see this Anita. Your work is looking great!
Great fine pieces. I have been trying to try my hands on charcoal and pencil but never found the guts to do so. No confidence! Love your art.
BTW I am an amateur from malaysia.
Very beautiful work, Anita. I am sorry to hear about any kind of censorship. :(
Mary - thank you.
Swee - Thank you. You should try charcoal, its a very user friendly medium.
Blu - I totally agree about censorship!
At last - I can comment on your work again - only to find that Blogger/you've been censored!
I'm very struck by the big change towards more conceptual art. Are you not pursuing the oils? (I can't remember what you could and couldn't take by way of art materials).
Anita, excellent pieces! I love the atmosphere you created with those values, very interesting.
Hope your ability to post improves. Can't imagine that.
Anita, good to see you working! sorry to hear about the censorship. must be tough to be at the mercy of another's whims. i'm really liking the progression of the chair in sunlight!
It's good to see you back :)
I really like the quotes you've chosen and the work is going very very well.
hi Anita
so you are in the middle east....wow....what a change!!!....your drawings are excellent....so haunting....feeling of isolation...and such a feeling of darkness....your avatar is so serious too....sounds like life is very different over there.....
loved your quotes
best wishes from down under
Somehow this piece seems apt given censorship issues...just something about the atmosphere! Lovely work, as always.
GORGEOUS You are so mad talented! Please come to Florida!
Great blog, great work. I like the way you're maximizing contrasts, while preserving that sense of quiet, stillness. Not an easy balance to find, maintain- At least, in my experience :) I expect many of us can relate to the Tillich and Einstein quotes, too.
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